Catalog name Description price
R-C-5975 PS-PEO-PS Polystyrene is a synthetic aromatic polymer with excellent optical and mechanical properties,often used in materials, such as packaging, insulation,and disposable utensils.Poly(ethylene oxide),on the other hand, is a hydrophilic polyether known for its water solubility and is commonly used in applications like pharmaceuticals, personal care products,and as a surfactant or detergent. price>
R-C-5977 PS-PAA-PEO Polystyrene (PS) is a synthetic polymer.Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) is a hydrophilic polymer that contains carboxylic acid groups, making it pH-responsive and capable of forming complexes with various molecules and ions.Poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) is a hydrophilic polymer that imparts flexibility and solubility to the copolymer.PS-PAA-PEO can be utilized in various fields such as materials science, drug delivery, and biomedical engineering. The PS block provides stability, the PAA block offers pH sensitivity and potential for complexation, and the PEO block contributes to solubility and biocompatibility. price>
R-C-6143 PS(19kDa)-b-PEO(6kDa)-CY5 Polystyrene(PS)is a hydrophobic polymer,while poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO)is a hydrophilic polymer.The combination of these two distinct blocks, along with the incorporation of the fluorescent dye CY5,makes this copolymer amphiphilic and functionalized with a fluorescent tag. price>
R-C-6144 PS(19kDa)-b-PEO(6kDa)-COOH PS-b-PEO-COOH,Polystyrene(PS)is a hydrophobic polymer,while poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO)is a hydrophilic polymer.The combination of a hydrophobic block(PS)and a hydrophilic block (PEO) in the copolymer structure makes PS-b-PEO-COOH amphiphilic,giving it the ability to self-assemble into various nanostructures,such as micelles or vesicles, in selective solvents.This self-assembly behavior is valuable for applications in drug delivery,nanomaterial synthesis, and surface modifications. price>
R-C-6297 POLY(4-VINYL IMIDAZOLE) Poly(4-vinyl imidazole)is a polymer composed of 4-vinyl imidazole monomer units.It is a type of polyelectrolyte with strong basic characteristics,as the imidazole ring can be protonated at acidic pH.This property makes it useful in various applications such as drug delivery,tissue engineering,and as a component in fuel cells,membranes, and coatings due to its high affinity for metal ions and good film-forming ability. price>
R-C-6298 POLY(N-VINYL IMIDAZOLE) CAS:25232-42-2 Poly(N-vinyl imidazole)is a polymer composed of N-vinyl imidazole monomer units.It is a type of polyelectrolyte with strong basic characteristics,as the imidazole ring can be protonated under acidic conditions.This property makes it useful in various applications such as drug delivery,tissue engineering, and as a component in fuel cells,membranes,and coatings due to its high affinity for metal ions and good film-forming ability. price>
R-C-6299 POLY(ISOBUTYLENE) CAS:9003-27-4 Polyisobutylene was synthesized by living cationic polymerization of isobutylene in hexane at -78 °C using a tin-based catalyst and a 2,4,4-dimethyl pentene HCl initiator. price>
R-C-6300 POLY(ETHYLENE PROPYLENE) CAS:9010-79-1 This polymer was obtained by hydrogenation of poly(1,4-isoprene),Poly(methyl butylene),Poly(ethylene-co-propylene),random,Poly(ethylene-propylene),also known as poly(ethylene-co-propylene),is a copolymer made from a combination of ethylene and propylene monomer units.This type of copolymer belongs to the class of thermoplastic elastomers,which combines the properties of both plastics and rubbers. price>
R-C-6301 POLY(ETHYLENE) CAS:9002-88-4 Obtained by hydrogenation of poly(1,4-butadiene).Poly(ethylene),ω-hydroxy-terminated,and/or Poly(methylene),ω-hydroxy-terminated,Polyethylene (PE)is a thermoplastic polymer made from long chains of ethylene monomer units.It is one of the most widely used plastics in the world.Polyethylene can be categorized into several different types based on its density and branching,such as low-density polyethylene(LDPE),high-density polyethylene(HDPE),and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE). price>
R-C-6302 POLY(4-VINYL PYRIDINE) CAS:25232-41-1 Poly(4-vinylpyridine)is a synthetic polymer composed of 4-vinylpyridine monomer subunits.It is a type of polyelectrolyte,as the pyridine ring can be protonated under acidic conditions.This property makes it useful in various applications such as adsorption of metal ions,drug delivery systems, and as a component in membranes and coatings. price>